Saturday, September 18, 2010

Autumn/Awesome Zine Trade is COMING

I'm excited. The zine trading for this season is about to begin. Here are the details about our next event.

Date: Sunday October 24, 2010
Time: 6:30
Where: Bronwen and Brennan's house in McCauley -- email for more specific directions, if needed.
What: make a mini-magazine about whatever you like. Make a bunch of copies (typically people make somewhere between 10-20 to trade with other guests). Come with zines and snacks and trade and share both with friends. Google or Youtube are good places to find different ways of making zines.

Come one, come all! Come trade your ideas!

Saturday, August 21, 2010

An Inaugural Address from the Paper Blog Princess.

Hello Zine-friends. We have had this blog for a while but haven't done anything with it. Recently I have been very good at those particular sorts of things that are easy to start and very difficult to continue doing. Like gardens and cleaning the house. And blogs. I plan to get worse at this, which will be a good thing. It will mean that I will be worse at procrastinating and better at pursuing. We have had an awesome year or so of zine creating and sharing in Edmonton and I am stoked for all of the ideas that have been exchanged through our collections of little books. Sometimes when people ask me what a zine is, I say, "it's a mini magazine about whatever you want...a blog on paper of sorts." Hence my alter ego...the Paper Blog Princess.

We hope to continue our little club into 2010 and beyond. Please check this blog for event updates and watch it grow into something awesome (I hope). Please bear with me as I learn how to blog on the www.

B.B. (aka P.B.P)